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My First stuff from eBay...and more to come...


Last month my battery life was lasted only 10 mins and die oledi...
local store sell it for 200+ for this battery and yg battery lama they ask for it (kira trade in lah)...if not the price will be more then 200+...maybe 300+

Apalagi i moved to my 2nd option...i tried meng eBay ing...and it cost me 90+ without replacing my old cheap is that compare to my 1st option... :)
so cuba saja tia...register ebay apa...n straight away i bid and won...well,1st time using inda plg mengharapkan ni...
11 days later... apanah...

"LAPTOP HP PAVILLION DV2000 Battery" has knocking on your door step...

nah kan shopping di ebay tah ku ni mun sudah success... :)

"All this without ever leaving your house! Do be careful. Shopping on eBay is highly addictive."