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Lil Zara and KungFu Panda...


Lil' Zara experienced her very first cinema outing last Sunday. Her daddy and mummy are thrilled that lil' Zara had an enjoyable time and would not hesitate to take her to the cinema again. Of course lil' Zara would like it even more if Kaka Nanee & family plus Abg Mateen joins her - tapi mesti cartoon. The more the merrier!!! And kaka Nanee must not feed lil Zara twisties at the cinema *wink*.

At the snack counter...

Q' ing to buy snacks b4 masuk... (sudah pun ahir datang...lambat lagi d sini..)

while Q'ing to buy snack this was what Zara n Bro Mateen was doing...
"who wants to join them dancing with the pirates...har de har har??"

Missed 10 mins of the show...shhh...start sudah...lets go...

AFTER CINEMA ENDS....around 4pm.

She is such a good girl! She really enjoyed watching Po and i guess kaka Nanee's twisties did help keep her quiet and happy *grin*
Twenty minutes before the show ended, lil' Zara was fast asleep.. *ZZZzzzz*

P.S. the show was fun and funny...siuklah...inda rugi meliat... we'll give it 9/10 in cartoon catergory..

While you were sleeping...shots with HSN Family

say blaa... (Abang Mateen and his re-enactment of Po - scene where the praying mantis gave Po an acupunture.. )

then went off to empire...