translate: apa di dalam blog

Zara introduce Cicak family


Zara & Mummy dalam krita, parking dapan dinding full of cacak running around the wall.

Mummy Zara: " kaka, apatu?"

Zara: "Wah! Banyak Cicak."

Zara: "Ada Mummy Cicak, Daddy, Nenek Cicak"

Zara: "... ada Kaka Cicak, Abang Cicak, Adek Cicak & Baby Cicak"

....2 mins later, ada lagi cicak baru bejalan dapan krita..."

Zara: "What's that mummy?"

Mummy Zara: "Big Cicak!"

Zara: "Bukaann...Ni Boy Cicak.."

New member of Cicak Family introduced by Zara = NiBoy Cicak

-The End-

whats new!

whats NEW? hmmm...

the end of HP
the rise of Dell
the New Ride

Imran: getting to know the pool
Zara: ready to school

....what else?

HP DV2000 rosak

Hi, lama sdh inda ku update kawanku si blog ani...since then i have been using Dell instead of HP...coz my HP Pavillion DV2000 ku sdh "ter-ple-ot" (broken)... kalau mau ceritanya this is wat happen...(treeeeennnggg***)

Mula-mula skali masa duluuu tanda2nya kan "ter-ple-ot"

beep 3x with black screen!

to cut the story short-ertinya GPU (graphic card unit)nya ROSAK and the bad news is the GPU nya built in the motherboard jawapannya apanah? -memang betul. bali motherboard baru. survey-punya survey...the cheapest di ebay lerr...mun disini..mahal-hantap...macam bali computer baru...this happen masa 2008 baru 1 tahun jagung umur laptop ani...sdh tia!

motherboard in the box

kalau usai dikadai mahal lagi...aku cuba sendiri lah!
these are all you need...
1.manual book
2.screw driver
3.and the new motherboard lah...

1st attempt kabak2 jua eh... takut inda success...tapi apa inda jua apatu, mun namanya rosak sdh....

(hehe...ngalih jua eh buat video atu eh...sanang lagi post gambar...)



OLD (L) & NEW (R)

Ani nyawanya ni (CPU)...jaga bisai2...

successful! tapi nada sound...kan dibuka lagi ngalih...pakai headphone pun pakai headphone lah...

btw happy hari raya aidilfitri (Belated)...



Just enjoy the show

walking imran


11 months imran - walking training

dancing in the crib

sexy a**



caught from security camera


Never aim your finger to anyone...
you might never know when its gonna shoot... :)

iphone rivals


LG Arena KM900 is the latest handset to stand up to the iPhone 3G

Main difference against Iphone 3G:
size - little thicker (not much), slightly smaller and lighter
camera - 5MP (increase by 3)

and its Windows Mobile Phone...

nice....lawa....from the advert it looks better than the Iphone 3G tho...

by the way IPHONE kan release yang baru lagi...this summer(rumours)... inda sampat kan bali iphone 3G, ada tia lagi yg baru...%@M&!^G eh...

Family vacation 2009 (part five)

previously on "family vacation"

Day 7 (final day)
It's packing time.
bye nova.
Zara: "ee...kamu rupanya...dari mana kamu lai..?"
KL Airport

Imran just woke up sudah sampai di airport...tu mata baru bangun.

long queue while checking in...
While on board...look wat kakak Zara up to...
Miri Airport

Zara: "I'm baaacckk..."

Seafood Paradise (miri)


Family vacation 2009 (part four)

sambungan dari part 3...

Day 5
Stop! its Shopping time (in Kuala Lumpur)... Mid Valley

MNG,mummy's favourite place
kakak's favourite place...

Zara: "Wow...this red car remind me when i was...trrriiinnnggg..."
last building kami barus to the next building...
daddy's favourite place
After non-stop shopping hits...makan misti inda lupa...even Imran jua order somethin to eat..

ok rehat dulu...
baru sambung shopping...
even Diva pun kami barus...
Zara: "hows my new headband ka?"
while waiting for taxi
home sweet home
back to bed...

2nd day of shopping
Sunway Pyramid
Butterfly breakfast
Introducing....botak coco...

hhmmm...which way should we go?
KLCC photoshoot

KLCC basement
~~the wheel of the bus go round n round~~

Next will be our last day... :(